Even when you have health problems, you can still build muscle, if you know a few basic tricks. But, before you start any kind of exercise, it is very important to talk about it with the doctors at ECCO Medical who can recommend the best kind of treatment, such as knee embolization.
At the same time, it is crucial to choose an exercise that you actually enjoy, because, this way, there are more chances for you to stick to this physical activity over time.
For example, strength training is highly recommended for people who suffer from bone health issues. This includes using free weights and resistance bands.
Weight-bearing aerobics is another good exercise you can do. In this category we could include walking, dancing, gardening, or stair climbing. We have to mention that these types of exercise usually work directly on the legs’ bones, lower spine and hips, slowing down bone loss.
Flexibility exercises are another great choice for those with bone issues. For example, stretches can be a good idea, if you do them gently, without bouncing. It may also be useful to avoid stretches that require bending at the waist level. And you should always consult with your doctor before starting any exercise routine.